GNUMP3d – Tech Stuff How Tos, Tutorials, Tips and Tricks Thu, 18 Jun 2015 14:17:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How To: Install/Configure GNUMP3d – Streaming Audio Server Wed, 22 Jul 2009 18:53:18 +0000 … ]]> Mission

GNUMP3d is the GNU Streaming MP3/Media Server written in perl. Our mission is to setup GNUMP3d and stream audio over LAN or over internet. Below are the essential steps to install and configure GNUMP3d.


Download latest version of GNUMP3d from GNUMP3d Website.


[kulbirsaini@fedora ~]$ tar -xjf gnump3d-x.x.tar.bz2


[root@fedora ~]$ cd gnump3d-3.0
[root@fedora ~]$ make install (as root)

Now gnump3d is installed on your system. Now you need to configure it according to your taste.


The configuration file is located at /etc/gnump3d/gnump3d.conf. For casual use, you just need to configure port, binding_host and root.

# Port to which gnump3d will be accessible via web interface or via a media player like xmms or winamp.
port = 1111
# The IP Address where gnump3d will bind itself.
binding_host =
# If you want the stream to be accessible via a fully qualified domain name, set hostname variable.
# You don't need to set this in most cases e.g. while setting up gnump3d on LAN.
hostname =
# The directory where are your music files resides.
root = /stuff/Music/

Though you can skip rest of the configuration, you may try to explore other options. My gnump3d.conf file can be download from here.

Thats all you need to do to configure gnump3d.


Now you need to index all you music collection (the audio files in gnump3d root). Run the following command to index

[root@fedora ~]$ gnump3d-index --verbose

Run gnump3d

Once the indexing is done, you are all set to run gnump3d. By default gnump3d tries to index all files whenever you start it, to avoid this we need to use –fast option.

[root@fedora ~]$ gnump3d --fast

By default gnump3d runs in foreground. If you want it to go in background and run quietly, run it as follows.

[root@fedora ~]$ gnump3d --fast --background

Accessing Media Server

To access your gnump3d streaming media server, please visit url http://ip_address:port/ .

Run at startup

If you want gnump3d to start when your computer starts add the following line to /etc/rc.local file.

gnump3d --fast --background

Feel free to comment in case you have a problem.

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