Javascript To Remove All Facebook Apps From Your Account

This is a guest post by Gaganpreet Arora AKA bitgeek.

My Facebook app list was cluttered with useless apps accumulated over the time I had joined Facebook. The worst thing is that Facebook does not allow you to remove multiple apps in one go. You have to select one, confirm on “Are you sure?” first and then click on “Okay” when it is deleted. Very cumbersome. So I wrote a Javascript hack to remove all of the apps in one go.

Warning: This will actually delete all the apps

Step 1

Go to:

Step 2

Select and copy the complete code below and paste it into the address bar.

function postwith (to,p)
  var myForm = document.createElement("form");
  myForm.method="post" ; myForm.action = to ;
  for (var k in p)
    var myInput = document.createElement("input") ;
    myInput.setAttribute("name", k) ;
    myInput.setAttribute("value", p[k]);
    myForm.appendChild(myInput) ;
  document.body.appendChild(myForm) ;
  myForm.submit() ;
  document.body.removeChild(myForm) ;
function getElementsByClassName(classname, node)
  if (!node)
    node = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
  var a = [], re = new RegExp('\\b' + classname + '\\b');
  els = node.getElementsByTagName('*');
  for (var i = 0, j = els.length; i < j; i++)
    if ( re.test(els[i].className) )
    { a.push(els[i]); }
  return a;
var arr = [];
arr['remove'] = 1;
arr['post_form_id'] = document.getElementById('post_form_id').value;
arr['__a'] = 1;
for (i=0; i
<h3><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Step 3</strong></span></h3>
Press Enter.
The browser may get stuck for a few moments if the list is large, so if it does, just wait a bit and it will respond back.
<h3><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>References</strong></span></h3>
Function postwith was taken from <a href="">here</a>, and getElementsByClassName was taken from <a href="">here</a>.

Red Hat Launches OpenSource.Com

Well, OpenSource is more or less about software source code and technology specific but OpenSource.Com scales beyond software and technology and provides a platform to discuss/learn/get involved/share.

From the website,

What problems can we solve? How would it affect the way we learn? Work? Run our governments?

We want to shine a light on the places where the open source way is multiplying ideas and effort, even beyond technology. We believe that will be a gathering place for many of the open source stories we’d like to share–through articles, audio, web presentations, video, or open discussion.

Currently website has following five channels,

For more information, visit following links

If you want to participate, please visit How to participate?


News : Memepress (Yahoo! Meme) WordPress Plugin Version 0.3 is available

Memepress is a wordpress plugin which provides wordpress widgets for displaying public posts from Yahoo! Meme. Memepress is SEO ready and provides options to noindex/nofollow your Meme posts. New version fixes a few bugs and provides enhanced style control for the widget.

You can download memepress version 0.3 from wordpress plugin page.

For details on usage/installation instructions, please check plugin homepage.


Memepress Ready to be Translated (Supports Turkish now)

Thanks for an awesome response to the Memepress (Yahoo! Meme) WordPress plugin. A lot of people have blogged about it and contacted me via email for enhancements. New version also fixes the bug regarding image size in posts. I have also updated the plugin to support internationalization(i18n). Now you can translate about 20 strings in your local language and you’ll have Memepress in your own language.

Turkish Translation

Huge thanks to Yalรงฤฑn Erdemir for translating the plugin to Turkish ๐Ÿ™‚

How To Translate

If you are interested in translating Memepress plugin in your language, then download the memepress.pot (POT file) and open it in your favourite text editor. Now for every string against msgid should be translated to your language and populated in quotes against msgstr. See the example below.

Before translation

#: memepress.php:37
msgid "Title"
msgstr ""

After translation

#: memepress.php:37
msgid "Title"

Once you are done with translating all the strings, save the file and mail me at kulbirsaini25 [AT] .


I Love Twitter, I Love Python = I Love Twython

I was really late to join Twitter. As soon as I joined Twitter, I started exploring various aspects of Twitter and hence the Twitter API. While searching for a wrapper for Twitter API in python, I came across python-twitter which was good and tweepy which was ok and I finally found twython. Twython is awesome and more importantly upto date with Twitter API.

While I was using twython, I found one fact very irritating. It didn’t have docstrings. And I had to go to Twitter API Wiki for description of every single function ๐Ÿ™ I talked to Ryan (Twython developer, who works all day long at his day job with and develops twython when everybody sleeps ๐Ÿ˜› ) about the same and offered to write docstrings for twython.

I spent a few hours and sent a patch with docstrings for all the functions. Now twython has complete documentation. Also Ryan is trying his best to implement wrappers for the newly introduced functions in Twitter API. So, currently Twython is THE best wrapper available in python for Twitter API.

PS : Next post will be “How to use twython”.