News : Memepress (Yahoo! Meme) WordPress Plugin Version 0.3 is available

Memepress is a wordpress plugin which provides wordpress widgets for displaying public posts from Yahoo! Meme. Memepress is SEO ready and provides options to noindex/nofollow your Meme posts. New version fixes a few bugs and provides enhanced style control for the widget.

You can download memepress version 0.3 from wordpress plugin page.

For details on usage/installation instructions, please check plugin homepage.


Memepress Ready to be Translated (Supports Turkish now)

Thanks for an awesome response to the Memepress (Yahoo! Meme) WordPress plugin. A lot of people have blogged about it and contacted me via email for enhancements. New version also fixes the bug regarding image size in posts. I have also updated the plugin to support internationalization(i18n). Now you can translate about 20 strings in your local language and you’ll have Memepress in your own language.

Turkish Translation

Huge thanks to Yalçın Erdemir for translating the plugin to Turkish 🙂

How To Translate

If you are interested in translating Memepress plugin in your language, then download the memepress.pot (POT file) and open it in your favourite text editor. Now for every string against msgid should be translated to your language and populated in quotes against msgstr. See the example below.

Before translation

#: memepress.php:37
msgid "Title"
msgstr ""

After translation

#: memepress.php:37
msgid "Title"

Once you are done with translating all the strings, save the file and mail me at kulbirsaini25 [AT] .