VNC Viewer and Remote Desktop in Recursion

This is a pure act of craziness. The picture speaks itself 😀 Click for big picture.

Best Desktop Ever with VNC Viewer, KDE, GNOME, Windows and Linux


5 thoughts on “VNC Viewer and Remote Desktop in Recursion

  1. Haha, this is cool. i also did it once. rdesktop a windows system and vnc the linux system from there.
    its funny! lol

  2. even cooler is running both the vnc server and client on the same pc… the display will show an infinite recursion! Try it once to understand what i say.

  3. @Turbo
    thats not totally correct 😀
    the vncserver runs on a particular display port and you can’t run two x-servers on the same display port unless and until you hack deeper into the x-configurations…

    but if you use krfb server and client on the same pc … they’ll surely go in recursion …
    I tried that … but pc sucks so badly in that situation that print-screen doesn’t work 🙂

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